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Archives for 2012

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chiropractic Management

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused by the pinching of the median nerve as it passed through the carpal tunnel in the wrist and can result in numbness, tingling, and sometimes pain into the hand affecting the index, 3rd, and thumb-side of the 4th finger. Grip strength weakness may occur (usually later in the process), [..]

Neck Pain: Manipulation vs. Other Treatments?

Mechanical neck pain affects an estimated 70% of people at some point in life. Because many different treatment approaches are available for neck pain, it can be very difficult for those suffering from neck pain to know which treatment approach(es) to choose. Research on this topic has revealed some very interesting information that places chiropractic [..]

Is It My Low Back Or My Hip?

When patients present with low back pain, it is not uncommon for pain to arise from areas other than the low back, such as the hip. There are many tissues in the low back and hip region that are susceptible to injury with have overlapping pain pathways that often make it challenging to isolate the [..]

The Whiplash Syndrome: Posture and Exercise

Whiplash can result from a number of causes, not just from motor vehicle accidents. A fall on the ice or a slippery floor, a sports-related injury, or even one of those rides that throws you around at the county fair can result in the same type of injury. Whiplash occurs when the head is literally [..]

The Whiplash Syndrome: Posture and Exercise

Whiplash can result from a number of causes, not just from motor vehicle accidents. A fall on the ice or a slippery floor, a sports-related injury, or even one of those rides that throws you around at the county fair can result in the same type of injury. Whiplash occurs when the head is literally [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 3 Great Exercises!

Because carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is technically a tendonitis that happens to be near a nerve (the median nerve), one treatment option for CTS is to manage the tendonitis and by doing so, the pressure on the median nerve will resolve. Also, because the movement of the hand and wrist are controlled by opposite functioning [..]

Fibromyalgia: The Challenge of Treatment

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disorder involving chronic pain that has no known cause. It is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, fatigue, and mood disorders. FM affects about 2% of the US population with a prevalence between 1% and 11% in other countries. It is more common in adult women than men (3.4% vs. [..]

Neck Pain & Headaches & The "Power of Placebo"

We have all heard about the "placebo effect" and the "power of positive thinking." A placebo, according to Wikipedia, is "…a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient." When a placebo is used, it will sometimes have a perceived beneficial effect. When this occurs, [..]

Neck Pain & Headaches & The "Power of Placebo"

We have all heard about the "placebo effect" and the "power of positive thinking." A placebo, according to Wikipedia, is "…a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient." When a placebo is used, it will sometimes have a perceived beneficial effect. When this occurs, [..]

Maintenance Chiropractic for Chronic Low Back Pain

When people think of chiropractic, they immediately think of low back pain and are often surprised to find out that chiropractic can benefit many conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, headaches, rotator cuff tears, as well as hip, knee, and ankle conditions. There is also research support for manipulation (a key component of [..]