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Archives for 2012

Headaches, Neck Pain, and Concussion

A concussion is "traumatic brain injury" (TBI) where the brain is "jarred" and literally bruises as a result of some sort of trauma. What causes a concussion? Causation is usually from some sort of trauma either by being hit by a moving object (like a ball), from hitting the head during a fall, and even [..]

Low Back Pain & Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that gives it either a "C" or an "S" shape when looking at the person from behind. I’m sure you’ve noticed when you’re at a beach, at a swimming pool, or walking in an airport, some people have a high shoulder, walk with a bit of a limp [..]

Osteoarthritis: Another Look

Our government (United States of America) collects and owns what experts consider to be reputable biomedical healthcare literature. This literature is catalogued in a library that is physically located in Bethesda, Maryland. The name of the library is The National Library of Medicine. The biomedical journals of the entire world can be found in our National Library [..]